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PRIVACY Forum Digest     Sunday, 28 January 1996    Volume 05 : Issue 03

            Moderated by Lauren Weinstein (         
              Vortex Technology, Woodland Hills, CA, U.S.A.
                       ===== PRIVACY FORUM =====              

              The PRIVACY Forum is supported in part by the 
               ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy,
          "internetMCI" (a service of the Data Services Division 
      of MCI Telecommunications Corporation), and Cisco Systems, Inc.
                                 - - -
             These organizations do not operate or control the
         PRIVACY Forum in any manner, and their support does not
          imply agreement on their part with nor responsibility 
               for any materials posted on or related to
                           the PRIVACY Forum.

        Keyword Searching of PRIVACY Forum Archive Now Available
           (Lauren Weinstein; PRIVACY Forum Moderator)
        Re: Videotaping homes (Willie Smith)
        Single computer breaks 40-bit RC4 in under 8 days (Monty Solomon)
        Economic Assessment of Data Protection (Pierrot Peladeau)
        One Person's War on Junk Mail (Beth Givens)
        AT&T Cell Users at Risk (
        Highway privacy and extremist politics (Phil Agre)
        Surveys of Community Attitudes to Privacy (Roger Clarke)
        Lotus blinks (Monty Solomon)
        Conferences / Events (Susan Evoy)
        Technologies of Freedom: Blueprints for Action (Ruth Holder)

 *** Please include a RELEVANT "Subject:" line on all submissions! ***
            *** Submissions without them may be ignored! ***

The Internet PRIVACY Forum is a moderated digest for the discussion and
analysis of issues relating to the general topic of privacy (both personal
and collective) in the "information age" of the 1990's and beyond.  The
moderator will choose submissions for inclusion based on their relevance and
content.  Submissions will not be routinely acknowledged.

All submissions should be addressed to "" and must have
RELEVANT "Subject:" lines; submissions without appropriate and relevant
"Subject:" lines may be ignored.  Excessive "signatures" on submissions are
subject to editing.  Subscriptions are by an automatic "listserv" system; for
subscription information, please send a message consisting of the word
"help" (quotes not included) in the BODY of a message to:
"".  Mailing list problems should be reported to

All messages included in this digest represent the views of their
individual authors and all messages submitted must be appropriate to be
distributable without limitations. 

The PRIVACY Forum archive, including all issues of the digest and all
related materials, is available via anonymous FTP from site "ftp",
in the "/privacy" directory.  Use the FTP login "ftp" or "anonymous", and
enter your e-mail address as the password.  The typical "README" and "INDEX"
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for getting the listserv "help" information, which includes details
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WWW access.


   Quote for the day:

        "There's God in show business, too."

                        -- Arthur Frayne [Zardoz] (Niall Buggy)
                           "Zardoz" (1974)


Date:    Sun, 28 Jan 96 13:00 PST
From: (Lauren Weinstein; PRIVACY Forum Moderator)
Subject: Keyword Searching of PRIVACY Forum Archive Now Available

Greetings.  I'm pleased to announce that full keyword searching
of the entire PRIVACY Forum Archive is now available.  This includes
all collected documents and papers, as well as all back issues
of the PRIVACY Forum Digest.  Access to the keyword searching system
is through the PRIVACY Forum World Wide Web pages, reachable via
the URL:



Date:    Mon, 15 Jan 1996 11:20:39 -0500 (EST)
From: (Willie Smith)
Subject: Re: Videotaping homes

Steve Holzworth mentions that his local govt has started videotaping
homes in his area.  While this might be some cause for concern, I'd
see a lot of positive uses for such technology.

>1) Property tax records are public records. You can walk into the county tax
>office and use their computer system to look up anyone's tax records.
>One can assume you will now be able to look at their home/business also.

You can also drive down the street looking at homes and businesses.
The exterior view of my house (which I assume is all they are taping)
is already 'public domain'.  I'm not sure how useful it would be for
tax assesment purposes, as it doesn't tell how many rooms, bedrooms,
baths, etc there are in the house, or whether the basement is
finished, which is what the assesment is based on around here.
However, I'd sure rather have a picture of my house show up on the fax
machine in the fire truck than a simple address, and I'd much rather
the Swat team have a good idea of what my neighbor's house looked
like.  8*)

>2) Given (1), how long until siding salespeople, real estate agents,
>cat burglars, etc. use the picture database to determine likely subjects
>of financial interest?

I wish I could 'register' my house with a company that would tell
these people this kind of thing.  We have a 5-year-old house with
vinyl siding, gas heat, and a monitored alarm system.  When we moved
in we got several calls a week for the first 6 months trying to sell
us alarm systems, vinyl siding, and home heating oil.  I can only
assume they were triggered from the real-estate database...

>            [ This may not be terribly different from the long-existing
>              practice of taking photos of houses and putting them in
>              big books (which themselves have been or are being
>              digitized in many areas), or sending assessors around to
>              re-evaluate at regular intervals.  Real estate companies
>              and their supporting data firms have long collected
>              this sort of information--the details they have on 
>              virtually every house in their areas is very 
>              detailed.

They may have a lot of data, but for most uses it's pretty useless.
Looking thru the MLS books when we were looking for a house we saw all
sorts of wierd stuff.  For instance, under 'Electric' three different
houses might have respectively 'CB' (circuit breakers), '200Amp'
(current rating of the service), and 'Yes' (which I suppose ought to
be reassuring...).  Inconsistent, misleading, incorrect, and missing
data means that those 'databases' are probably not worth the bytes
they are stored in.

Willie Smith
#define NII "Information Supercollider"


Date:    Fri, 26 Jan 1996 01:13:02 -0500
From:    Monty Solomon <monty@roscom.COM>
Subject: Single computer breaks 40-bit RC4 in under 8 days

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Thu, 18 Jan 1996 20:45:33 -0500
From: (David Golombek)
Subject: Single computer breaks 40-bit RC4 in under 8 days

MIT Student Uses ICE Graphics Computer
To Break Netscape Security in Less Than 8 Days:
Cost to crack Netscape security falls from $10,000 to $584

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., January 10, 1996 -- An MIT undergraduate and part-time
programmer used a single $83,000 graphics computer from Integrated Computing
Engines (ICE) to crack Netscape's export encryption code in less than eight
days. The effort by student Andrew Twyman demonstrated that ICE's advances
in hardware price/performance ratios make it relatively inexpensive -- $584
per session -- to break the code.

While being an active proponent of stronger export encryption, Netscape
Communications (NSCP), developer of the SSL security protocol, has said that
to decrypt an Internet session would cost at least $10,000 in computing time.

Twyman used the same brute-force algorithm as Damien Doligez, the French
researcher who was one of the first to crack the original SSL Challenge.
The challenge presented the encrypted data of a Netscape session, using the
default exportable mode, 40-bit RC4 encryption.  Doligez broke the code in
eight days using 112 workstations.

"The U.S. government has drastically underestimated the pace of technology
development," says Jonas Lee, ICE's general manager.  "It doesn't take a
hundred workstations more than a week to break the code -- it takes one ICE
graphics computer. This shuts the door on any argument against stronger
export encryption."

Breaking the code relies more on raw computing power than hacking expertise.
Twyman modified Doligez's algorithm to run on ICE's Desktop RealTime Engine
(DRE), a briefcase-size graphics computer that connects to a PC host to
deliver performance
of 6.3 Gflops (billions of floating point instructions per second).
According to Twyman, the program tests each of the trillion 40-bit keys
until it finds the correct one. Twyman's program averaged more than 830,000
keys per second, so it would take 15 days to test every key.  The average
time to find a key, however, was 7.7 days.  Using more than 100
workstations, Doligez averaged 850,000 keys per second.ICE used the
following formula to determine its $584 cost of computing power: the total
cost of the computer divided by the number of days in a three-year lifespan
(1,095), multiplied by the number of days (7.7) it takes to break the code.

ICE's Desktop RealTime Engine combines the power of a supercomputer with the
price of a workstation.  Designed for high-end graphics, virtual reality,
simulations and compression, it reduces the cost of computing from $160 per
Mflop (millions of floating point instructions per second) to $13 per Mflop.
ICE, founded in 1994, is the exclusive licensee of MeshSP technology from
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).


460 Totten Pond Road, 6th Floor
Waltham, MA 02154
Voice: 617-768-2300, Fax: 617-768-2301


Bob Cramblitt, Cramblitt & Company
(919) 481-4599;

Jonas Lee, Integrated Computing Engines
(617) 768-2300, X1961;

Note: Andrew Twyman can be reached at


Date:    Thu, 25 Jan 1996 12:56:19 -0500 (EST)
From:    Pierrot Peladeau <pierrot.peladeau@PROGESTA.COM>
Subject: Economic Assessment of Data Protection

I am looking for studies about the cost/benefit impact of data protection
or the economic impact of data protection legislation. I have identify a
few theoretical ones but no real "field" ones, especially in assessing
economic impact of legislation). Any litterature that could help in making
some ad hoc economic model for field research would be of interest. 

I will keep Privacy Forum readers informed on this inquiry.

        Pierrot Peladeau  <>
        Vice President, R & D, PROGESTA Inc.
        Editor/Redacteur en chef, PRIVACY FILES
        P.O.Box/C.P. 42029 Station Jeanne Mance   tel : +1 (514) 990 2786
        Montreal (Quebec) CANADA   H2W 2T3        fax : +1 (514) 990 3085


Date:    Thu, 18 Jan 1996 13:18:21 -0800 (PST)
From:    Beth Givens <>
Subject: One Person's War on Junk Mail

A San Diego man, Bob Beken, recently won an interesting suit in Small Claims
Court against Computer City involving unwanted mail solicitations. He
purchased some items at Computer City (owned by Tandy, which also owns Radio
Shack and Incredible Universe) and paid by check. When he noticed the clerk
keying his name and address into the computer at the checkstand, he asked if
he was going to get any junk mail as a result. He was told 'no.'

As a precaution, Beken took the check back and wrote a short contract on the
back: "Computer City agrees NOT to place Robert Beken on any mailing list or
send him any advertisements or mailings. Computer City agrees that a breach
of this agree- ment by Computer City will damage Robert Beken and that these
damages may be pursued in court. Further, that these damages for the first
breach are $1,000. The deposit of this check for payment is agreement with
these terms and conditions."

After some discussion with another clerk, Computer City accepted the check.
In the ensuing months, Beken received four mail solicitations from Computer
City. He wrote two letters in protest but received no reply. 

Beken then took his case to Small Claims court. The judge agreed that a
contract had been broken and awarded Beken $1,000 plus court costs of $21.
Beken has since written a book (self-published) about his winning method. 

Is this a significant victory? I think so. A court has agreed that a
consumer has a right to say "no" to junk mail and to have the request
honored. Perhaps this case, along with the Avrahami case, will serve as wake
up calls to the direct marketing industry.  Consumers want and deserve to be
able to control what enters their mailboxes. Your thoughts??

Beth Givens                             Voice: 619-260-4160
Project Director                        Fax: 619-298-5681
Privacy Rights Clearinghouse            Hotline (Calif. only):
Center for Public Interest Law             800-773-7748
University of San Diego                    619-298-3396 (elsewhere)
5998 Alcala Park                        e-mail:
San Diego, CA 92110

                        [ My personal suspicion is that such cases will
                          have little lasting impact on privacy issues.
                          The most likely result of widespread attempts
                          at such techniques would be a large number
                          of refused checks.  The sales folk in stores
                          are usually just not in a position to judge
                          the meaning of such check "addendums". 
                          While such cases are interesting, they        
                          don't deal with the fundamental issues which
                          will ultimately need to be fully addressed. 

                                -- MODERATOR ]


Date:    Sat, 27 Jan 96 11:32:37 PST
Subject: AT&T Cell Users at Risk

*Big AT&T Cell User Security Problem*

Want billing/payment information on someone else?
Want to run a usage analysis for the best rate plan for

ATT Wireless Networks makes this possible with their
automated INFOEXPRESS (Customer Care) service.

Simply dial 1-800-782-xxxx or 1-206-389-xxxx (SEA).
Enter the target cell number and the person's zip code.

Other menu selections include change orders...

Is residential/business service next?

                [ Assuming this service operates as described, it
                  is but another example of the widespread practice
                  of making customer information available with
                  minimal or no security provisions by many entities.

                  When questioned, firms implementing such systems usually
                  claim they can't imagine why anybody would be concerned
                  about the release of such information (allowing change
                  orders in such an environment would be highly unusual),
                  and that more "secure" systems (such as the use of PINs)
                  would be "too inconvenient" for the customer.  Usually the
                  claim is also made that they've received virtually no
                  complaints, either!  If you're lucky, there will be a way
                  to "opt-out" of such systems, but often that choice is
                  also unavailable.

                  It is unlikely that such systems can be effectively
                  controlled without new privacy legislation.

                        -- MODERATOR ]


Date:    Thu, 18 Jan 1996 20:08:26 -0800 (PST)
From:    Phil Agre <>
Subject: highway privacy and extremist politics

In a report on the right-wing militia movement in Washington State (available
on the Web at ), Paul
de Armond discusses one David Montgomery, whom he describes as "a perennial
right-wing congressional candidate and former treasurer for the Washington
chapter of Rev. Sun Myong Moon's American Freedom Coalition".  He clearly
regards Mr. Montgomery as a fringe extremist, and he illustrates this view
by quoting one of Mr. Montgomery's campaign flyers, entitled "Gun Rights and
Your Freedom" as follows:

    "New toll roads can identify your car and charge an account in your name
    by means of a sensor in the windshield.  This could allow the government
    to track your movements."

Although he doesn't say so explicitly, the context makes it sound as if Mr.
de Armond regards this view as bizarre.  The problem, of course, is that it
is basically true.  The "sensor" is really (in most cases) an RF transponder,
and it is not quite "in" the windshield but (in many cases) attached to it.
Such systems are in operation in roughly ten US states and in several other
countries.  Although few serious observers regard these systems as government
plots to track citizens' movements, the systems have nonetheless provoked
controvery across the political spectrum because they could, in fact, be
used for this purpose.  The FBI, for example, has made no secret of its desire
to obtain unrestricted access to the files maintained by toll authorities.
Although such systems could easily be made anonymous using new technology
based on digital cash, I know of no US authority that is planning to do so.

Now, Mr. de Armond is actually aware of all of this; he just inadvertently
neglected to quote enough of the flyer to make apparent the role of automated
toll roads in Mr. Montgomery's humongous conspiracy theories.  What's scary,
of course, is that the toll roads are so readily used in this way.  The use
of this issue by political extremists is a symptom of a deep problem, which
is that automated toll collection in the US, like many other new technologies
that affect the public, is being developed with only the faintest semblance
of democratic process -- decisions are made in back rooms and the systems
just seem of materialize one day.  The bureaucrats who run the show don't
expend much effort on privacy because they don't hear any screaming about
it, and they don't hear any screaming about it because only a tiny proportion
of citizens is even aware of the issue.  (Having said this, I should point
out that Washington State is just about the only US jurisdiction which has
seen meaningful organized resistance to automated toll collection.  I do not
know of any connection between this resistance and the far right.)

Automated toll collection may not be a sinister plot, but in its practical
consequences it is just as bad.  It is a serious accident waiting to happen
-- not least because it provides an organizing issue for political extremists.
The very possibility of the systems' abuse, together with the tacit policy
of stealth implementation, threatens to become a corrosive influence on our

Phil Agre, UCSD


Date:    Sat, 20 Jan 1996 13:30:11 +1100
From: (Roger Clarke)
Subject: Surveys of Community Attitudes to Privacy 

I'm trying to assemble a reference list of research into community
attitudes to privacy.  What follows is a pretty scratchy start, but it's
something at least.

I'd greatly appreciate:
- -   references to hard-copy reports;
- -   references to web and ftp sources;
- -   suggestions of people and organisations that may have done this
- -   hints of other people and organisations (preferably incl. email
    addresses) who may be able to assist.

I'll consolidate the results, put up a web-page within my existing set of
dataveillance materials, and post the URL to this forum (yes, email
versions will be available for non-web-capable participants).

Thanks for your assistance!  ...  Roger


- -   Louis Harris & Associates & Westin A.F., 'The Dimensions of Privacy:  A
National Opinion Research Survey of Attitudes Towards Privacy'  Garland,
New York NY, 1981

- -   Tolchinsky P.D., McCuddy M.K., Adams J., Ganster D.C., Woodman R.W. &
Fromkin H.L.  'Employee Perceptions of Invasion of Privacy:  A Field
Simulation Experiment'  J. of Applied Psychology  66, 3  (June 1981)

- -   Woodman R.W., Ganster D.C., Adams J., McCuddy M.K., Tolchinsky P.D. &
Fromkin H.  'A Survey of Employee Perceptions of Information Privacy in
Organisations'  Academy of Management J.  25,3  (October 1982)  647-663

- -   Katz J.E. & Tassone A.R.  'Public Opinion Trends:  Privacy and
Information Technology'  Public Opinion Quarterly  54,1  (Spring 1990)

- -   Louis Harris & Associates 'The Equifax Report on Consumers in the
Information Age'  Equifax Inc., Atlanta GA, 1990

- -   Louis Harris & Associates, 'Harris-Equifax Consumer Privacy Survey
1991', Equifax Inc., Atlanta GA, 1991

- -   Louis Harris & Associates, 'Harris-Equifax Consumer Privacy Survey
1992', Equifax Inc., Atlanta GA, 1992

- -   Culnan M.  ''How Did They Get My Name?':  An Exploratory Investigation
of Consumer Attitudes Toward Secondary Information Use'  MIS Quarterly
17,3  (September 1993)  341-363


- -   Louis Harris & Associates & Weston A., 'The Equifax Canada Report on
Consumers and Privacy in the Information Age - 1992', Equifax Canada Inc.,
Ville d'Anjou, 1992

- -   Ekos Research Associates  'Privacy Revealed:  The Canadian Privacy
Survey'  Ekos, Ottawa, 1993

?   Canadian Privacy Commissioner report, 1994?

- -   Louis Harris & Associates & Weston A., 'The Equifax Canada Report on
Consumers and Privacy in the Information Age - 1995', Equifax Canada Inc.,
Ville d'Anjou, 1995

?   Wright T., Ontario Privacy Commissioner / Netherlands report, 1995

?   Price Waterhouse / McHendry report, 1995

- -   Public Interest Advocacy Centre / Federation nationale des associations
de consommateurs du Quebec  'Surveying Boundaries:  Canadians and Their
Personal Information'  PIAC, 1 Nicholas St, Suite 1204, Ottawa  Ontario,
1995, Tel:  +1  613  562 4002

- -   Lawson P. & Vallee M.  'Canadians Take Their Information 'Personal''
Privacy Files  1,1  (October 1995)  4-9


- -   'Community Attitudes to Privacy'  Privacy Commissioner Information
Paper Number Three, Human Rights Australia, August 1995

Roger Clarke    
Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, 78 Sidaway St, Chapman ACT 2611 AUSTRALIA
Tel:  +61  6  288 6916                       Fax:   +61  6  288 1472

Visiting Fellow, Faculty of          Email:
    Engineering and Information Technology
Information Sciences Building Room 211       Tel:   +61  6  249 3666
The Australian National University
Canberra   ACT   0200   AUSTRALIA            Fax:   +61  6  249 0010


Date:    Tue, 23 Jan 1996 00:20:53 -0500
From:    Monty Solomon <monty@roscom.COM>
Subject: Lotus blinks

Excerpt from BillWatch #33


It's not clear why this hasn't made a larger impression on the net yet,
because we think its of crucial importance in the ongoing debate about

For years since the original introduction of the Clipper Chip, the
debate over cryptography has continued to gain momentum.  Recently,
the Administration, embarrassed by its defeat over the Clipper Chip
proposal, put forth it's Commercial Key Escrow proposal.  What is
all the fuss about?

It's about cryptography, and who has the right to encrypt information
and who has the right to keep the key.  Right now, you do, but that
could all change.

Think of cryptography as a really good front door on your house or
apartment.  The door key is yours to hold, isn't it?  It's your right
to give a copy to someone you trust, or if you choose, nobody at all.

The Administration contends that this is not so.  With their "commercial
key escrow" scheme, they contend that you shouldn't be able to build a
door they cannot break down, but they also contend that they should be
able to order you to give a copy of the key to a government-approved
individual, so that they can come enter your house (with a warrant, of
course) when they wish.

Industry, of course, panned this plan when it proposed late 1995, and
continues to object to it.  All the while, a standoff continues:
the Administration refuses to allow cryptographic software with keys
longer than 40 bits to be exported, and industry refuses to build Big
Brother into their products.

And this is where the standoff stayed until last Wednesday, when
Lotus blinked.

On Wed, Jan. 17th, 1996, Lotus announced that it had increased the key
length of its International version of the Lotus Notes product to 64
bits.  They did this by building in a back door for the Administration to
use to decrypt any international traffic that it might desire to read.

Although there are a lot of reasons why we think this is a terrible idea,
the first one that springs to mind is the fact that the one public key that
Lotus has embedded in all their software is a single point of failure
for every International Lotus user throughout the world.  Sure, this key
is held with a high security clearance by the government, but then
Aldritch Ames also had some of the most sensitive information available
to him, and he proved untrustworthy.

After all, if $1.5 million can buy a CIA counter-intelligence agent, I
wonder how much a Lotus Notes key escrow holder goes for these days?

You can find a copy of the Lotus press releases at


Date:    Wed, 17 Jan 1996 23:09:23 -0800
From:    Susan Evoy <evoy@pcd.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Conferences / Events

CPSR Members and Friends,

        If you are planning to attend one of these conferences, or another
that may be related to CPSR's work, please contact CPSR at or
(415) 322-3778 for easy ways for you to be a presence for CPSR.


RSA 6th Annual Data Security Conference:  Cryptography Summit.
Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, CA, Jan. 17-19, 1996.
Contact:     415 340-9300

Telecommunications Reform Legislation:  Implications for the Internet and the 
National Information Infrastructure, Freer Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, 
Jan. 18, 7-9 p.m.

Program of the "Next Five Minutes" Conference, Amsterdam/Rotterdam,
NETHERLANDS, Jan. 18-21.  Contact: 020 6233673 10 4047693

ALA Midwinter Meeting, San Antonio, TX,  Jan. 20 - 22.  Contact:  

FireWallCon '96, Stouffer Hotel, Arlington, VA, Jan. 25-26, 1996.

National and International Initiatives for Information Infrastructure, 
Jan. 25-27.   Contact:      617 496-1389  

Oakland's New Technology Center - Ethel Long-Scott, 2055 Center St., Berkeley, 
CA, Jan. 28, 2-4 pm.  Contact:      510 987-0567

Information, National Policy & International Infrastructure, Jan. 28-30.
Contact:      617 496-1389  

Professional Awareness in Software Engineering (PASE'96), London, ENGLAND,
Feb. 1-2, 1996.  
Contact:    44 171 9115000    44 171 9115089 (fax)

Security, Privacy and Intellectual Property Protection in the Global
Information Infrastructure, Canberra, AUSTRALIA, Feb. 7-8.  Contact:

Living with the Internet, Baltimore, MD, Feb. 8-9.  
Contact:     202 326-6417

The Gathering:  The Computer Security Conference with a Difference, 
University of Otago, Dunedin, NEW ZEALAND, Feb. 13-15.

CQL'96:  Symposium on Computers & the Quality of Life (ACM), Philadelphia,
PA, February 14-16, 1996.  Contact: 717 872 3536
717 871-2320 (fax) 

A Nation Connected:  Defining the Public Interest in the Information 
Annenberg Center, Rancho Mirage, CA, Feb. 20.
Contact:    800 545-2433 x3201    312 280-3201

Technologies of Freedom:  Blueprints for Action, Washington, DC, Feb
29-March 2.  Contact: 202 408-1403 202 408-1134(fax) 

Assoc. for Practical and Professional Ethics, St. Louis, MO, Feb. 29-March 2
Contact: 812 855-6450 812 855-3315

Innovations in Connectivity Exposition, UNC, Wilmington, NC, March 3-5.

Ethics and Technology Conference, Chicago, IL, March 9, 1996.
Contact:        312 915-7061       312 915-6118 (fax)

NetDay '96, California Schools, March 9.  Contact:

Microcomputers in Education Conference:  Internet-1996--What's Next?
Connecting the Global Education Community, Tempe, AZ, March 11-13.
Contact:       602 965-7363

Technical Conference on Telecommunications R&D in Massachusetts, Lowell,
MA, March 12, 1996.  
Contact:     617 439-8600

Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Phoenix, AZ, 
March 13-16.  Contact:    804 973-3987   804 978-7449 (fax)

Founding Convention of the Cultural Environment Movement, St. Louis, MO, 
Mar 15-17.  Contact:  215 387-5303

K-12 School Networking on the Emerging Information Superhighway,"
Sheraton National Hotel, Arlington, VA,  March 17-19.
Contact:      202 466-6296        202 462-9043 (fax)

First ACM International Conference on Digital Libraries, Bethesda, MD,
March 20-23, 1996.  Contact:

Computers, Freedom, and Privacy, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA, March 27-30, 1996.

Creating a Library of the Future Without Diminishing the Library of the Past -
A conference for librarians, Cambridge, MA.  March 30-31, 1996.  

Rewiring our Networks:  Cultural Equity in the 21st Century, Berkeley, CA, 
March 30-Apr 1.  Contact:  510 451-2717

Teaching in the Community Colleges On-Line, "Innovative Instructional 
Practices," ONLINE, April 2-4, 1996.   Contact:

The Sociology of the Internet, Chicago, IL, April 3-6.
Contact:   513 529-2637   

A Strategic Approach to Globalization Through Technology and Diversity, 
Rockville, MD, April 11-14, 1996.  
Contact     217 356-7050 (fax)

ACM's Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction, Vancouver, BC,
CANADA, April 14-18, 1996.    Contact:           410 263-5382           410 267-0332 (fax)

Technological Assaults on Privacy, Rochester, NY, April 18-20, 1996.
Paper drafts by Feb. 1, 1996.
Contact:      716 475-6643      716 475-7120 (fax)

Automated Medical Payments Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 6-7.
Contact:   312 983-6133

Security and Privacy, IEEE Symposium, Oakland, CA,  May 6-8, 1996.

Visions of Privacy for the 21st Century:  A Search for Solutions, Victoria,
BC, CANADA, May 9-11, 1996.  Contact:

Datafication - Sustaining the Global Network, Building Communities,
Huntington, WV, May 15-17.  Contact: 313 998-6105

The Digital Revolution:  Assessing the Impact on Business, Education and
Social Structures, San Diego, CA, May 20-22, 1996.  Contact:

Business Ethics Conference, The Waldorf-Astoria, New York, NY, May 22-23.
Contact:    212 339-0345

Graduate Research Ethics Education, A Workshop at Indiana University, 
Bloomington, IN, June 5-9, 1996.  Contact:      812 855-6450

Testing Computer Software:  Improving the Testing Process, Washington, DC,
June 10-13, 1996.  
Contact:   301 445-4400       301 445-5722 (fax)

National Education Computing Conference, "Call of the North," Minneapolis, MN,
June 11-13.  Contact:    612 638-8764

Society and the Future of Computing (SFC'96), Snowbird, UT, June 16-20.

World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, ED-MEDIA 96,
Boston, MA, June 17-22. 
Contact:      804 973-3987      804 978-7449 (fax)

International Symposium on Technology and Society 1996 (ISTAS '96), 
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, June 21-22, 1996  
Contact:   609 258-1985 (fax)

Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, New South
Wales, AUSTRALIA, June 24-26.  Contact:

INET'96, Montreal, CANADA, June 25-28.  
Contact:       703 648-9888     703 648-9887 (Fax)

The Privacy Laws & Business, Cambridge, ENGLAND, July 1-3.
Contact:  44 181 423 1300      44 181 423 4536 (fax)

Global Telemedicine and Federal Technologies Symposium and Exhibition,
Williamsburg, VA, July 8-10.  
Contact:     609 786-0999     609 829-2306 (fax)

Futurevision:  Ideas, Insights, and Strategies, Washington, DC, July 14-18.
Contact:  800 989-8274     301 951-0394 (fax)

5th International Conference on Computers Helping People with special 
needs, Linz, AUSTRIA, July 17-19, 1996.
Contact:       43 732 24699232    
        43 732 24689322 (fax)

We the People:  Building Community Through Media, Hyatt Regency Crystal
City, Arlington, VA, July 17-20.
Contact:      202 393-2650

Internet 2001, August 1996 issue of COMPUTER.  
Contact:       408 656-2149       408 656-3679 (fax)

Conference on Computing and Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon Univ, 
Pittsburgh, PA, Aug. 8-10.  Deadline for submissions:  Feb. 19th.
Contact:     412 268-7643     

China-U.S. Meeting on Global Information Access:  Challenges and
Opportunities, Beijing, CHINA, Aug 21-23.  Contact: 

CybErg 1996, Curtin University of Technology, AUSTRALIA, Sept 1-30
Deadline for abstracts:  March 1, 1996.

Educational Technology & Telecommunications Markets, Chicago, IL, Sept. 9-11.
Contact:     713 999-7932       713 448-1910 (fax)

Advanced Surveillance Technologies II.  Ottawa, ON, CANADA, Sept. 17.

Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners, Ottawa, ON, CANADA, Sept. 18-20.

EDUCOM'96, Philadelphia, PA, Oct. 8-11.  Contact:
202 872-4200

WebNet 96, San Francisco, CA, Oct. 16-19.  

Global Complexity:  Information, Chaos and Control, ASIS Annual Meeting, 
Baltimore, MD, Oct. 21-26.  

Participatory Design Conference '96, Cambridge, MA, Nov. 13-15, 1996.
Panel, Workshop, Paper Submissions Deadline:  May 3, 1996


Date:    Tue, 16 Jan 1996 23:23:42 -0800
From:    <>
Subject: Technologies of Freedom: Blueprints for Action

Dear 'Net Friends (with apologies for cross-posting!), 

The Alliance for Public Technology hopes you can join us at our sixth
annual conference.  Below is information about the program, registration,
hotel (reserve by February 5 for the conference discount!), and a "Virtual
Conference" option for those who cannot travel to DC but would like to
participate by e-mail. 

Please respond to - hope to see you there!  Take care, Ruth

Ruth Holder
Alliance for Public Technology (APT)    |   Internet:
901 15th St. NW #230                    |   202/408-1403 (voice/TTY)
Washington, DC  20005                   |   202/408-1134 (fax)

For more online information about the Alliance for Public Technology:

Technologies of Freedom:  Blueprints for Action

The Sixth Annual Conference of the Alliance for Public Technology, a 
non-profit organization working to achieve equitable and affordable 
access to the benefits of advanced telecommunications technology.  

February 29-March 2, 1996
Washington Court Hotel
525 New Jersey Ave., NW 
(Near Union Station - Red line on Metro)
Washington, DC  20001

Join policy makers, public interest advocates, representatives of government 
and industry, and others concerned about communities realizing the benefits 
of the Information Age.  Read on for information about the program, 
registration, hotel accommodations, and the "Virtual Conference" option for 
those who can't travel to Washington but want to participate by e-mail.  

                      Preliminary Conference Program

Thursday, February 29, 1996

8:30 am - 12:30 pm -- Optional Pre-conference Sessions
Choose one of these two optional sessions for an additional $50 (APT 
members) or $75 (non-APT members or after 2/5/96):  

1)  Telecommunications Technology and Policy in a New Era 
    The telecommunications environment is undergoing radical changes in 
the areas of legislation, regulation and technology.  This updated version of 
APT's successful tutorial session on policy and technology will maximize 
your understanding of telecommunications issues whether you are new to 
the field or keeping up with rapidly changing technology and policy. Topics 
include an overview of the public switched network, information 
technologies, and key policy issues that impact consumer accessibility.  

2)  Networking for Nonprofits: Using the Internet to Your Advantage 
    What is the Internet?  Why should I use it?  How do I get on it?  What's
on it for me?  What lies ahead?  Learn how nonprofits use the "Net" for
accessing useful information, organization management, advocacy, public
relations, and achieving their missions.  Community economic development
will be one special focus to illustrate using the Internet as a resource and
strategic tool.  


12:45 pm - 2:00 pm -- Lunch and Official Conference Opening

Keynote Address by the Honorable Lisa Rosenblum, Commissioner, 
New York Public Service Commission

2:15 pm - 4:15 pm -- Implications of National Legislative Actions and 
Universal Service Provisions:  What Do They Mean?  

     An outstanding panel of public interest advocates will give an
overview of legislative developments on the national level and the meaning
of universal service provisions.  Discussion will center around issues
such as accessibility, availability, and preemption. 

4:30 pm - 6:30 pm -- Reception, Exhibits and the First Annual Susan Hadden 
Awards Ceremony

Friday, March 1, 1996

8:30 am - 10:30 am -- The State of the States:  
An Overview and Analysis of Policies and Strategies

     This session will highlight legislative and regulatory approaches to 
addressing universal service and what they mean.  Trends and unique 
strategies in the transition to a competitive environment will be the 
focus of remarks by nationally recognized experts.  

10:45 am - 12:15 pm -- Electronic Trail Blazing Communities: 
Services Which Make a Difference

     Outreach, health care, education, and a wealth of other applications
will be featured in this session.  Each of the panelists represents a
community approach to the use of advanced communications for solving
problems and building healthy communities. 

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm -- Lunch and Keynote Address by the Honorable Larry
Irving, Assistant Commerce Secretary/NTIA

2:15 pm - 3:30 pm -- Safeguarding the Public Interest:
Pricing, Privacy, Access, and Jobs

     Public Interest Alert--as our as our communications system changes,
there are pitfalls ahead.  How should consumers' privacy be protected? Will
all of us be able to access--and afford--the new enabling technologies? What
does it mean for our nation's work force?  This panel will address these
issues, some of the most challenging of our times.  

Saturday, March 2, 1996

9:00 am - 10:30 am -- Technologies of the 21st Century:  
Equalizing Communities Through Technology

     Emerging technologies may be the most equalizing of all communications 
tools since the printing press.  Learn how some communities have utilized 
these technologies to give themselves an edge.  Economic development, 
education, and health care are some of the areas which have benefitted from 
creative uses of the tools of the 21st Century.  

10:45 am - 12:00 pm -- Policy Roundtable:
Looking Ahead to the 21st Century

     The final panel will feature a look ahead by "policy gurus" to where 
changes in technology and policy are taking us.  In what has become an 
Alliance for Public Technology tradition, renowned experts in the legislative, 
academic, and administrative arenas discuss how politics, policy, and 
technology are influencing the communications of today -- and tomorrow.  

Featured Speakers Also Include:  
     Morton Bahr, President, Communication Workers of America 
     Andrew Blau, The Benton Foundation
     Jennings Bryant, Institute for Communication Research, Univ. of Alabama
     Ron Choura, NARUC Communication Committee Staff
     Richard Civille, Center for Civic Networking
     William Drake, University of California, San Diego
     Henry Geller, Markle Foundation
     Larry Goldberg, WGBH/National Center for Accessible Media
     David Goldsmith, HandsNet
     Allan Hammond, New York Law School
     Mary Gardiner Jones, Consumer Interest Research Institute
     Deborah Kaplan, World Institute on Disability/NII Advisory Council
     Mark Lloyd, Dow Lohnes & Albertson
     Jamie Love, Consumer Project on Technology
     Patrice McDermott, OMB Watch
     Peter Miller, Community Technology Centers Network
     Barbara O'Connor, Institute for the Study of Politics and Media,
     California State University, Sacramento
     Rob Restuccia, Health Care for All
     Marc Rotenberg, Electronic Privacy Information Center
     Jenifer Simpson, United Cerebral Palsy Association
     Steve Snow, Charlotte's Web
     Amy Somers, ACE Net


All conference facilities are wheelchair accessible and sign language 
interpreters will be available at all sessions.  For other accessibility 
accommodations, please contact Ruth Holder at the Alliance for Public 
Technology, 202/408-1403 (voice/TTY), 202/408-1134 (fax), or 

                      Virtual Conference

Can't come to Washington, but want to participate in the conference by e-
mail?  APT is offering a "virtual conference" option for those who must
stay by their computers.  The registration fee of $200 ($225 after
February 5) entitles the user to transcripts of all conference sessions
and the opportunity to ask questions by e-mail and discuss issues with
other virtual participants.  To register or for more information, send
e-mail to or with the reference "APT
Virtual Conference." 

                      Hotel Information

Reserve your room BY FEBRUARY 5, 1996 at the Washington Court Hotel to
receive the special conference rate of $132 (single/double).  To reserve a
room, call 1-800-321-3010 or 202-628-2100, and mention the Alliance for
Public Technology. 


To register, send the information requested below, along with your 
registration fee, to:

     Alliance for Public Technology
     P.O. Box 28578
     Washington, DC  20038-8578
     Phone:  202/408-1403
     Fax:  202/408-1134

Nickname for Name Badge:
Zip Code:
Phone (voice):
Phone (TTY):

Conference Registration Fees:  

____ I am an APT member, government official or representative of a public
interest group.  Enclosed is my non-refundable fee of $200 ($225 after
February 5). 

____ I am a representative of a business or trade association.  Enclosed
is my non-refundable fee of $400 ($425 after February 5). 

Optional Pre-Conference Registration Fees: 
(Note--the Virtual Conference option is not available for the optional pre-
conference sessions.)

____ I plan to attend the pre-conference "Telecommunications Technology 
and Policy in a New Era."  Enclosed is my additional fee of $50 (APT 
members) or $75 (Non-APT Members or after 2/5/96).  

____ I plan to attend the pre-conference "Networking for Nonprofits."  
Enclosed is my additional fee of $50 (APT members) or $75 (Non-APT 
Members or after 2/5/96).  


End of PRIVACY Forum Digest 05.03

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