PRIVACY Forum Archive Document
PRIVACY Forum Digest Sunday, 1 November 1998 Volume 07 : Issue 18 Moderated by Lauren Weinstein ( Vortex Technology, Woodland Hills, CA, U.S.A. ===== PRIVACY FORUM ===== ------------------------------------------------------------------- The PRIVACY Forum is supported in part by the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Committee on Computers and Public Policy, "internetMCI" (a service of the Data Services Division of MCI Telecommunications Corporation), Cisco Systems, Inc., and Telos Systems. - - - These organizations do not operate or control the PRIVACY Forum in any manner, and their support does not imply agreement on their part with nor responsibility for any materials posted on or related to the PRIVACY Forum. ------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS On the Passing of Jon Postel (Lauren Weinstein; PRIVACY Forum Moderator) Netscape, WebTV, "Backchannels" Update (Lauren Weinstein; PRIVACY Forum Moderator) Privacy Briefs (Lauren Weinstein; PRIVACY Forum Moderator) Auto theft (Phil Agre) CCTV (Keith Parkins) Bill C-54: Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (M Taylor) *** Please include a RELEVANT "Subject:" line on all submissions! *** *** Submissions without them may be ignored! *** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Internet PRIVACY Forum is a moderated digest for the discussion and analysis of issues relating to the general topic of privacy (both personal and collective) in the "information age" of the 1990's and beyond. 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Jon hailed from the same UCLA basement computer lab, the first site on the ARPANET, where I began in the early 1970's. It was Jon who almost singlehandedly prevented chaos from overtaking the net through his IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority). His name is associated with countless projects and documents relating to the development of the net over the last three decades. The whole structure of Internet addresses and domain names we now take for granted was largely the result of his work. He was a force for stability in the ongoing controversies over the "privatization" of the Internet and would have had a leading role in the effort. He will be sorely missed. --Lauren-- Lauren Weinstein Moderator, PRIVACY Forum ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 1 Nov 98 09:43 PST From: (Lauren Weinstein; PRIVACY Forum Moderator) Subject: Netscape, WebTV, "Backchannels" Update Greetings. I just wanted to update the readership regarding my current inquiries into "backchannels" of personal information potentially being collected via Netscape Communicator (and now, other systems). Please see PRIVACY Forum Digest Vol. 07 #17 for the previous summary ( ). I've had a variety of interesting communications since my last report. I was contacted by the Netscape engineer who implemented the client side portion of Netscape's "What's Related" system--he confirmed the technical accuracy of the PRIVACY Forum reports regarding the system. I've also had continuing communications with Netscape managers, who apparently are in the process of revising their FAQs to at least provide users with a bit more information regarding the sorts of data that can be collected by their system at this time. Frankly, judging from the preliminary material they've sent me, I don't think they go anywhere near far enough. They've told me that they expect outside sources (like the PRIVACY Forum) to be the venues for discussion of potential risks that go beyond what the system does right now. I expect additional communications on these topics with both Netscape engineering and management, so I'll have more to report on this in the near future. Press reports recently carried stories regarding concerns over information backchanneling and distribution by Microsoft's WebTV, supposedly including both user web URL and television channel viewing data. Reports also suggested that plans were in place to localize the data down to the individual level to allow for targeted advertising. There have also been concerns expressed in some newsgroups regarding possible use of what some believed to be cryptographic "signatures" on WebTV messages. After some comments of mine on these topics were quoted in the mainstream press, I received a call from Steve Perlman, president of WebTV. We had a long, detailed, and cordial chat. The bottom line appears to be pretty similar to that of Netscape. WebTV's privacy policy notwithstanding, I don't feel that it is made clear to users exactly what sorts of data are or can be collected. At the moment, WebTV is apparently only distributing "aggregate" data, but of course you have to collect specific data before you can create aggregate summaries! Mr. Perlman did readily admit that the potential for abuse existed in these systems, but insisted that they're as concerned about this as anyone else. He said that their policy requires a search warrant before any information they consider private (such as e-mail) is released--he says that this has occurred in a case relating to a child porn investigation. There will be more info regarding WebTV issues in the digest coming up in the future. Meanwhile, the trend towards search engines wanting to keep track of the links you select seems to be spreading. As reported earlier, the Netscape "What's Related" system already does this. Now it appears that "Hotbot" has begun doing something similar. The link choices returned are clearly routing back through Hotbot, even though the plain text versions of the URLs in the displayed summary information show direct addresses without the Hotbot redirection. Regardless of the web sites you visit, users concerned about these issues should keep an eye on the actual links their browsers display before selecting a new link to follow. On a general note, my own feelings are that it would be far better if these information collection systems weren't built into these infrastructures in the first place, or that at the very least users be fully informed about the operations, policies, and potential for data abuse, and be required to give a positive opt-in response, before anything resembling personally identifiable information is collected, even for aggregate use. In related news, a new "free" net access service, called "NetZero," is basing their business plan on a system of advertising windows which "follow" the user from site to site. The NetZero CEO reportedly has commented that they can target a user down to a 12-mile radius through their software that tracks users' browsing habits. My calls to NetZero to obtain more information about these issues have so far not been returned. --Lauren-- Lauren Weinstein Moderator, PRIVACY Forum ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 1 Nov 98 10:31 PST From: (Lauren Weinstein; PRIVACY Forum Moderator) Subject: Privacy Briefs - Son of CDA - Cell Phone Location Tracking - New European Union Privacy Rules Son of CDA ---------- As expected, Congress passed new restrictions relating to children and the Internet, popularly being referred to as "Communications Decency Act II." Court challenges have already begun. Most attention has revolved around the requirements concerning verifying the age of persons accessing certain broad categories of information deemed "harmful to minors" (the precise rules apparently must be formulated by the Federal Trade Commission). Other aspects involve the collection of information from children by web sites (again, specifics apparently under the auspices of the FTC). However, a less noticed aspect of the bill with privacy implications could force ISPs to provide information regarding their subscribers to law enforcement, even without a search warrant. Under the new law, when an ISP "obtains knowledge of facts or circumstances" in which a child pornography law is thought to be violated, it must report the information to a law enforcement agency. There are fines of up to $50,000 for the first infraction and $100,000 for subsequent infractions. Since the law doesn't establish a standard of truth, and the fines are so severe, there are concerns that ISPs will "over-report," providing data on innocent subscribers upon any accusation, from nearly any source. The law reportedly does not limit the type of information ISPs can turn over to law enforcement or provide legal recourse for subscribers whose personal information is improperly disclosed, since ISPs are specifically protected from liability for actions they take under the act. Cell Phone Location Tracking ---------------------------- The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is apparently moving forward with plans to require cellular carriers to provide detailed user location data (originally implemented for 911 emergency use) to law enforcement, subject to a court order indicating that the person in question is "under investigation." This is a much lower standard than that required to obtain a search warrant. Such data could presumably be used in realtime or retrospectively. Of course, since cell phones can only be tracked when they are turned on (either awaiting a call or in a call) the continuity of such data can vary widely. Pre-paid cellular services, which can be obtained without verifiable identification, also would appear to present some additional complexities for such applications. New European Union Privacy Rules -------------------------------- A series of wide-ranging and detailed rules regarding privacy have come into force in the EU, with a range of complex implications for firms around the world. Even within the EU itself, not all countries are currently in compliance with the new regulations. The direct impact of the rules, which would make many common information collection and use practices illegal, on firms that do not do direct business with the EU is unclear due to obvious jurisdictional issues. But in an age of multinational organizations and virtual, web-based businesses, the overall situation is far from clear. At the very least, it is likely that the EU regulations may inspire similar rules in other parts of the world. --Lauren-- Lauren Weinstein Moderator, PRIVACY Forum ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 16:36:51 -0800 (PST) From: Phil Agre <> Subject: auto theft A story in last Friday's LA Times describes a new form of auto theft: Scott Glover, Grand theft auto enters the computer age, Los Angeles Times, 23 October 1998, pages B1, B6. According to the LA sheriff's office, car thieves have begin stealing cars by impersonating other people using information obtained from their credit reports. The thief shows up at a new car dealer, claims to be John Smith (or whoever), fills out paperwork with information obtained from John's credit report, completes the purchase, drives off the lot, and quickly exports the car to a buyer overseas. In one case a thief got a report by paying a Georgia jeweler to run a credit check, and in another case a thief established a dummy real estate company. In one case, police believe that one group of thieves stole nearly fifty -- that's five zero -- cars by this method. "They go for Mercedeses, BMWs, Lexuses, you name it", a sheriff's captain says. Right toward the end, the article mentions as if in passing that the people whose names are stolen are not liable for the losses, although they must typically put up with long-lasting bureaucratic nightmares as they put their credit record back together. (I have to say that I can sympathize. Equifax seems to have lost my credit record sometime in the last couple of years, and they absolutely insist that it does not exist, even after I have mailed them exhaustive documentation of every single item of information that their record ought to contain.) We treat consumers' lack of liability in such cases as if it were a law of nature, but we forget that the risk allocation rules for credit cards and other kinds of payment systems are created by legislatures and courts, and could easily change. These questions are open again in the context of electronic payment systems. As Jane Winn explains in her legal articles on the subject (, common law tradition and economic analysis both argue that the law should allocate liability in proportion to each party's ability to take actions to reduce the risk. That is why credit card holders have a limited liability, usually on the order of $50 in the US, and credit card companies should have the remaining liability: allocating the risks in that way creates an incentive for the companies to manage the risks by improving technologies, communicating with cardholders and other parties, and taking the risks into account when deciding whether to invest in particular payment schemes. That precedent was not followed, Winn explains, in the notorious Utah digital signature bill, and it is not at all clear that other legislatures will do better as these issues mature over the next several years. Phil Agre ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 17:32:13 +0000 From: Keith Parkins <> Subject: CCTV The CCTV in London that has built in pattern recognition has now gone live. The system can be pre-programmed to look for known people. When the target is 'framed' an alarm is sounded, the 'victim' highlighted, and the local police alerted. The police then take over the monitoring. Built into the system is the ability to override disguises. CCTV does not deter crime, it simply displaces it to another area. This area in turn then clamours for CCTV. Schools are installing CCTV. If nothing else this conditions the future generation to accept CCTV as the norm. In Aldershot, stationary CCTV affixed to buildings, lamp posts is not enough, they are now installing mobile cameras. The experiment in Newham, known as Mandrake, is to last for six months. Newham has already spent 1.6 million pounds on installing CCTV. Mandrake will cost a further 60,000 pounds and bring the number of cameras within the borough up to 240. There are an estimated 150,000 cameras on the streets of Britain. Richard Thomas, Police switch on the candid camera that knows your face, The Observer, 11 October 1998 Bill Mouland, Big Brother is Watching You, Daily Mail, 15 October 1998 Keith Parkins [ While I tend to doubt the ability of such existing systems to operate in typical urban environments without a high error rate (even if the person isn't "disguised"), it is certainly true that the deployment of such technologies has major implications. -- PRIVACY Forum Moderator ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 00:54:37 -0300 (ADT) From: M Taylor <> Subject: Bill C-54: Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act Bill C-54 has been introduced in Parliament (Canada), back on Oct 1, 1998. "Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act" Bill C-54 - online copy, first reading, from Parliamentary web site < government/C-54/C-54_1/C-54_cover-E.html> "An Act to support and promote electronic commerce by protecting personal information that is collected, used or disclosed in certain circumstances, by providing for the use of electronic means to communicate or record information or transactions and by amending the Canada Evidence Act, the Statutory Instruments Act and the Statute Revision Act." This contains a lot of amendments including clarifying the role of digital signatures in Canada's legal landscape, electronic 'evidence' - such a strong word for something so mutable, personal privacy of information - in private industry, "framework for electronic commerce", and I'm certain a few other goodies. I haven't had time to review it entirely, it appears posed to greatly influence how digital signatures will be used by the government of Canada, including for Notary purposes and electronic commerce. So digital signature might clearly become binding within the year - I'm sure this is a good sign. I haven't checked, but the protection of personal information might include requirements of security which lend themselves to suggesting that encryption is necessary for the protection of confidential personal information in the hands of the private and public sectors in Canada. -- M Taylor mctaylor@ / | ------------------------------ End of PRIVACY Forum Digest 07.18 ************************
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